the princess rants @
3/09/2007 01:06:00 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's day this year was not really as different as the previous ones. But with everything that happened today, I realized (too late) that you don't really need to depend on anyone else to make you happy.
I ended up ruining Valentine's day for people I truly care about. And I know all the apologies in the world will never make up for it but I am sorry. And for the ones that ruined mine, you're forgiven. It's almost 6 pm and I hope it's not too late for me.
After wallowing in self-pity, I finally made my self stop crying for having such a sucky Valentine's day and went straight to the bathroom to have a long cold shower. Yes, I hate hot showers. Even on cold days. I don't know why. So I got dressed, started to put make-up on. I started to get ready for my date....
...with myself.
Today, I was pretty. No, scratch that. I was beautiful. I wasn't getting all dolled up for anyone but myself. It felt surprisingly good. And for once, this Valentine's day, I wasn't disappointed at all.
the princess rants @
2/14/2007 04:34:00 PM
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Went to Galleria with Yoshie, Triza and Rj last night. I was kinda worried at first coz si Triza shy daw ke Yosh. Haha. Shy daw! Kelan pa? Anyway, here are the pics. Super fun! We should do it again! Now na? Haha! More pics in Yoshie's bloggy.

the princess rants @
2/03/2007 09:02:00 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
haha..cant resist! last na to!

also included in the list are jenna malone and regine velasquez..haha! yikes!
and this too..

Yes i am bored. Bite me.
the princess rants @
1/18/2007 05:46:00 PM
I know it's been a while. A lot has happened that made me almost quit blogging. No need to elaborate. I don't really want to dwell on it. These things..sometimes they're just not worth it, you know. You just have to learn to let go because that's the best thing to do.
So anyway..let's see. Everything is pretty much the same. The job we applied for at Voisworx didn't really work out like we hoped. Everything was all set, Yoshie and I were so excited. But it turned out the account was outbound and well..let's just say outbound, especially telemarketing, is just not our thing. I don't know if we can really wait for their inbound accounts to push through. Dad was kinda upset with me but I hope he'll understand. Good thing the other job we applied for is still open. I'm pretty excited about this one. It's chat support for a gaming company. I hope I get in. I'm kinda worried since I'm applying with Yoshie and her friends..lots of experience in customer service. I guess it's just the inferiority complex talking. Wish I could get rid of it.
Oh and I'm also looking forward to this thing with Ry. He asked me for help last December and I said I'd be glad to help. Then I thought he totally forgot about it or maybe he found some from the office to help him so I didn't bring it up anymore. Then just this week he said he thought I'd be starting with Voisworx soon so he asked his mom instead. But I guess since I still have some free time, I don't mind giving an extra hand. And two heads are always better than one. I don't know if I can really post here the details but he's thinking of "outsourcing" but it's really just to help him with his work. The extra income isn't bad. I hope it'll push through.
Yoshie and I have been up 'til who knows what time (I logged out before she did) getting addicted to this:

hahaha! jessica alba? jojo? oh well! =D I can definitely get used to that!
A lot on my mind..maybe it's because I'm bored to the death most of the time. I so need to pay my internet bills before they cut off my connection. Sucky sucky day. Abby's going through a lot of shit lately and I hope it gets better, sister. Kaya mo yan. Ikaw pa. Oh and happy birthday Neto! You're old!
That's it..I so need to eat..
PS I lost 6 lbs. Not bad huh? =)
the princess rants @
1/18/2007 03:28:00 PM
Friday, January 5, 2007
Have you seen the new Dove ad? It's about their new campaign. There's an issue of low self-esteem among young girls today..and its just sad how really young girls today can feel so low about themselves.
I was..and still is a victim of low self-esteem. I don't really know how it starts. Well, of course there's insecurity but that's still not the root is it. Oh well. I'm glad dove came up with this campaign. It will really help a lot of young girls out there. If only I was a little younger..haha! I'm serious!
And I just love the song..especially with the little girl singing it for the ad. it's perfect. You with the sad eyes don't be discouraged oh I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people you can lose sight of it all and the darkness inside you can make you fell so small But I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful like a rainbow Show me a smile then don't be unhappy, can't remember when I last saw you laughing if this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear you call me up because you know I'll be there
the princess rants @
1/05/2007 09:52:00 PM